100 Day Project 2021

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Baby Bluebird

I know, I know, I'm supposed to carry my camera everywhere! But, we were just going for our daily walk! As we started down the driveway, Mr. H spotted some movement in the grass. It was a baby bluebird! When the little guy saw us, he hopped into a small hole and tried to hide. I ran back to the house for my camera hoping he would stay put long enough for me to get a few pictures.

Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird weren't too happy with me. They swooped overhead and chirped to their little one! I kept my distance snapped a few shots and left them alone!

Since bluebirds are my favorite bird, we have several bluebird boxes around our property, but, I've never managed to see the babies up close! He was almost as big as his mommy and daddy and all brown! Even though mom and dad were flying around, I still had to do a little research to make sure it was a bluebird!

It was a delightful surprise to begin our walk!!


  1. Who would have thought? Nothing blue about him, is there? Nice job, Cathy!

  2. that's amazing!! i recently saw a baltimore oriole and a redheaded woodpecker! so fun. :)

  3. Hi. Just to let you know that I've selected you for the Sunshine Award. If you want to join in please see my blog, but there is no obligation to take part. Suzy x

  4. Awww how sweet. I'm glad you captured it.


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