100 Day Project 2021

Monday, January 31, 2011

Picture Winter - Days 30 and 31

You know, I'm really a little down today. It's like the let down after Christmas. Picture Winter is over. :(   I think I may have withdrawals from this everyday prompt! There's a couple of other options I'm checking out to see if I want to continue with daily prompts or not. I'm doing a 365 this year, so I am taking pictures everyday and the prompts do take some time in thought and actual picture taking. So I'm not sure what I want to do yet. The next class will be Picture Spring. This is not the first year for Picture Spring so it will be a little different. There will still be email prompts, a gallery to post our photos in, but it is self-paced.  Several of the girls are all going to start on April 1st so they can keep together on this project. I'm planned to join them. Can't wait!

Day 30
Yesterday we were to seek simple signs of hope that Spring is on the way. Signs that give us hope can so easily be overlooked. I posted three pictures because I just couldn't decide on one sign of Spring.
These are Jonquils from my Mom's yard. Hers are always up earlier than mine. Jonquils are one of my very favorite spring flowers.
My Japonica bush has some buds on it. I think it's a little confused by all the unnaturally warm weather we've been having. I hope the upcoming freeze doesn't set it back too much. I love this bush, except for those long and sharp thorns.
And, this is an off-shoot from my Flowering Plum tree. It's barely out of the ground, only about 3/8" high. I love the redish color of the small shoots.

Day 31
It's never too late to start a deliberate plan of focus for the year. We were to choose a word that we would like to focus on this year. I chose "TIME". I've really been aware that I need to better use my time each day. Each minute is a gift from God and I am working to use that gift in a better way. 
There's no way I'll be able to summarize this class. I have certainly learned a tremendous amount from these amazing, talented ladies. They have been helpful, encouraging, and a true inspiration! I've been on a journey around the world with them. There were photos from the Netherlands, Canada,  Paris, Germany, and from coast to coast across America. I've been brought to tears several times through their beautiful captures of a moment in life. I'm so very thankful I decided to take this class and I will definitely be taking another one.

1 comment:

  1. hi, cathy!

    just wanted to say...

    i just wanted to stop and say hello... i'm going through all the profiles of those who commented on my picture winter photos, and looking to see if they have blogs or flickr accounts {and if not, then sending an e-mail}... so that i can A) say thank you for the comments and feedback you gave me, and B) let them know i would love to stay in touch... especially to those who expressed interest in keeping up to date on what is happening with my pregnancy. since i can not remember all who asked, i thought i would just go through each profile and send a message. =)

    i'll be updating my blog periodically with baby news... just in case you are interested:

    thanks again for all your comments on p.w.! it was an inspiration to meet you and see your work! i hope to see more of it even though the class is over.

    i'll be following your blog so that i can stay up to date on you as well!

    all the best to you.



Thanks so much for stopping by!!