100 Day Project 2021

Monday, March 12, 2012

One Little Word - February

I can't believe that I forgot to post my One Little Word assignment for February. The word I chose for the year is "moments". You can go here for the beginning of this project, why I chose the word and what it means to me. In February we were to take photos to illustrate what our word means. This was a little challenging!  As I thought about the word "moment", I began to think of the different kinds of moments there are. These led me to taking the following pictures. I've explained each picture below.

Here's how I decided to interpret "moments."
1. moments never repeated
2. moments of breathtaking beauty
3. moments of magic
4. moments that quickly pass away
5. moments of gratitude
6. moments with loved ones
7. moments of quiet and reflection
8. moments captured by my camera
9. moments where I am present

For the second page I chose to enlarge this photo of a beautiful sundial and write on the image the interpretations of the photos.

In March, we are to put our word into action. It will be interesting to see what I decide to "do" with my word.

"Let me tell thee, time is a very precious gift of God;
so precious that it's only given to us moment by moment."
~ Amelia Barr ~


  1. Love sharing your moments with you and the meaning of those moments.

  2. Cathy, I love your photographic interpretation of "moments," each one meaningful and lovely.


Thanks so much for stopping by!!