100 Day Project 2021

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Exploring With A Camera ~ Color

COLOR - our whole world is filled with color...bright colors, dull colors, loud colors, soft colors.  Colors also play a big part in photography. We may be attracted to certain colors or color themes.  I find myself liking the natural colors...yellows, tans, browns, and some oranges. Our latest exploration for Exploring With A Camera at Kat Eye View Of The World is a study in color and the color wheel.

#1 ~ monochromatic
one dominate color

#2 ~Analogous
2 or 3 neighboring colors on the color wheel.

 #3 ~ Chromatic Gradation
several colors in sequence along the color wheel
The colors range from light green in the grass to orange in the leaf.

As I hunted for colors this week I once again was made aware of how much we can learn from nature. God knew what colors would be pleasing together when he created this beautiful world we live in. Nothing in nature clashes...no color combination displeases the eye.

"I never met a color I didn't like."
Dale Chihuly


  1. You found some lovely examples for your post, Cathy. You are so right about nature!

  2. I have been thinking the same thing about nature, colors never clash! It always works. Green is practically a neutral in nature, it seems. Lovely images and great examples. My favorite is the leaf on the grass, the color combo is so pleasing it takes a moment to realize you have two seasons in one image! Thanks for linking in to Exploring with a Camera.

  3. I agree with you there is nothing in nature that does not suit the eyes - and nature displays so many colours that sometime you can't even put a name on each of them.
    Love the one with the leaf, it shows perfectly the change of season we are experiencing. Lovely!

  4. Very lovely pics. Most i like the leaf on the gras :)

  5. Wow! Great! ~ thanks. ~ Excellent and perfect for Kat Eye View ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ( A Creative Harbor)

  6. Beautiful shots. I really love the oranges and yellows in the leaf (#2). Great examples and I know what you mean about nature - most of my shots for this exercise came from nature too.:)

  7. oh - the pincushion is adorable! did you make it for this post?

  8. I love the pincushion. It is amazing how color can stir so many different feelings within us

  9. Beautiful shots, I especially love the pincushion and the leaf in the grass.


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