100 Day Project 2021

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Definition of random:
  • without definite aim, direction, rule, or method subjects chosen at random

Random is a good description of how my life has been lately. No real aim or direction, no plans; just living in the moment.

I marveled at the needlework samplers in an exhibit at the Historic Arkansas Museum which was entitled: These Various Threads I Drew. The exhibit featured needlepoint samplers from 19th century women. Many were made by school girls who were practicing their skills.

My sweet husband brought me roses for Valentine's Day.

In the few hours when the rain wasn't falling, I wandered in the woods. I wonder which woodpecker made the holes in this dead pine tree; the large Red-headed Woodpecker or the small Downy Woodpecker. They both regular visitors around here.

I discovered that I'm not the only one running around in the mud.

This little leaf seems to represent the state of my mind lately . . . going in crazy circles!

This is why my mind is jumping around and totally overwhelmed! I was diagnosed earlier this month with breast cancer. Thankfully I have the best type of breast cancer. It is noninvasive and after surgery I will be cancer free. I'm writing this as a reminder for each of you to be sure and have your yearly mammogram. I always have and this time the cancer was seen. The type of cancer I have can be unpredictable and very aggressive if not caught early. Oh, I'm so grateful that it was! So, do your self exams and get those mammograms. It just might save your life!!

That's enough of randomness for now. By the way, the very top picture of clouds in the beautiful blue skies was taken during a small break from the dull, dreary skies we've had for many, many days. You know I was outside enjoying those hours!

"Expose yourself to as much randomness as possible."
~ Ben Casnocha

Monday, February 19, 2018

Awake, Thou Wintry Earth

I'm going to say something that is going to shock you! I have not enjoyed this winter!!  Most of you know how much I love winter. I love the snow and the cold. This year we haven't really had a winter. What we had was cloudy skies and rain and cloudy skies and rain and repeat, repeat, repeat!!

Every thing is soggy! The only way I can walk in the woods and down my favorite path is with waterproof boots! 

Even though the days are dark and gloomy, beauty can be found. Tiny drops of water hang like diamonds in twisted vines. 

Mushrooms are beginning to work their way through the soft grown trying to find some sunshine I'm sure!

Winter has been so mild that many leaves never turned completely brown.

Officially spring has not arrived, but I'm seeing signs of it everywhere. Last year I bought a Lenten Rose, (Hellebore) to add to my garden. It quickly became one of my favorite plants. Not knowing a lot about it, I panicked when I saw it beginning to bloom a few weeks ago. I was so afraid a cold snap would ruin it. I was wrong. It was blooming right on time. Lenten Roses are one of the earliest flowers to bloom, usually around Lent which started on February 14.

And my jonquils are starting to bloom. Although I'm not ready for it, I think I need to start convincing myself that winter is over. It will be in the 70's today and Wednesday closer to 80. Spring is no longer hiding, it's shouting "ready or nor here I come!"

"Awake, thou wintry earth -
Fling off they sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!"
~Thomas Blackburn

Thursday, February 1, 2018

52 Weeks of Nature

In an attempt to make sure I get out and about more this year, I am challenging myself to take and share fifty-two nature photos; one each week. I have a very loose collection of prompts that will start me thinking and looking each week. I can follow the prompt or do something entirely different depending on my situation.

I realized this past year that classes and rigid prompts seem to be stifling my creativity. Don't get me wrong, I always learn a lot from classes, but what little time I had for photography seemed to be looking for photos that fulfilled the class or prompts. I need to get back to wandering; to letting the photos find me. So this year (unless I change my mind when a really good sounding class comes up) it's all about going out and capturing nature.

If you scroll back up to the top of this post you can see the tab for the new page I've created for this challenge. Each month's photos will be in collage form, so I won't have so many pictures on the page.

I'm really enthused about this year. I have missed my wanderings!

“I don’t plan to photograph certain things,
I come across them.
I enjoy catching certain moments.
I tend to react to what I find.”
~ Saul Leiter