100 Day Project 2021

Monday, March 2, 2015

Renewing The Journey - Part 1

It doesn't take much in nature to make my heart sing.

The tiniest little things, the surprises, and the treasures fascinate me.  I photograph these things.

As I wrote this a murder of crows were in the trees outside my window. Their silhouettes against the sky decorated the bare branches. They were never still. They were diving and soaring from tree to tree. Finally I could stand it no longer. I had to grab my camera and capture the antics of these loud, rambunctious creatures. As I ventured closer to the trees, their hoarse caws became instantly silent. It reminded me of an orchestra conductor whose baton silences the orchestra at the end note of a performance.  I wonder who is the conductor of the crows. I photograph things I wonder about.

I have always been drawn to nature; the beautiful, the not so beautiful, the quiet, the loud, the landscapes, the skies, and even the weather. If you take the time to look, really look, you can see something new in nature every day. Every sunrise and sunset is different. Every leaf, rock, or flower is different. The need to discover these unique differences is what motivates me; what keeps me outside exploring no matter the weather. I photograph these differences.

I am most happy with the tiny treasures that I discover when I don't rush, when I look closely. I've been know to walk around and around a tree looking for that special something like the small feather adorned with ice crystals above. There is always something magical to discover. I sometimes have to remind myself to step back and also look at the treasures to be found in the big picture. I photograph the tiny and the landscape.

I've found that my camera helps me to forget my anxieties, be braver, and more confidant. Nature and my camera are calming. When I first began taking pictures, other than the normal family/vacation/holiday pictures, I would take a small camera and wait until no one was looking to take a picture. Now, I rarely notice anyone is around and I carry my big girl camera. Now, I even stop and talk to people about what I'm photographing. I've been amazed at the kindness of people who want to share information about the places I visit or other paces to explore. I photograph my discoveries.

Some days and even weeks I loose my desire for photography. That's when photo trips, photo projects, classes, prompt groups, visiting flickr, and reading blogs, keep me inspired and motivated. Oh, I must not forget to mention the inspiration I get from reading two of my favorite magazines, Artful Blogging and Bella Grace

Photography has led me to a calmer and more peaceful life. Just the daily pleasure of being outside and observing nature has brought joy and gratitude to my life. 

I mentioned above that taking photography classes inspires and keeps me motivated. In these classes you sometimes find a small group of special ladies that share the same interests and a relationship develops. The connection remains long after the class is over through blogs, flickr, and emails. There is a small group of us that took a class several years ago that decided we'd like to review the class material again. We are interested in seeing if our thoughts about photography and our photography has changed over the years. We're calling this review "Renewing The Journey." In the first lesson we are answering these questions. Why do we take pictures? What draws us to photography?  What motivates us?  What keeps us excited and interested in photography? After I answered these questions I went back and read my responses from when I took the original class. I wasn't too surprised many of my answers are similar. One thing is for sure, I'm still in complete awe of nature!


  1. i am inspired by all the same things, your images inspire me!!! love the window sills, with the flowers, it's so beautiful!!!!

  2. Beautifully written Cathy, and such gorgeous pictures! I love that you find peace when you are with your camera, and how to talk to strangers! I've experienced that happening also. I love the stone wall and flowers - so pretty!

  3. You are definitely very much at home in nature and that shows so much in your photography. Probably in mine too, which is why we are friends :)

  4. If this is the beginning, you're going to have a grand time renewing the journey. Lovely work today. Your love of nature shows in all that you do.

  5. I remember those first classes we took, and it is amazing to see the changes, not only in my own images but in yours and the other gals as well. Who knew that our connection would last, that we'd still be doing this?!

    We are so blessed to live at a time and in a place where this can be possible.

    Your images are just spectacular, Cathy. I'm looking forward to continuing this journey with you.

  6. A very special and heartfelt post, Cathy. Your photos are an unveiling of both the small and the large picture.

  7. You are such an inspiration to all of us to look closer and to appreciate all of nature not just the spectacular. These images are beautiful and I especially love the shot of the window sill.....I too find that photography has helped me to be more calm.

  8. What a deeply meaningful post -- I sensed that you are speaking directly from your heart. Your images are all strikingly beautiful. and demonstate your deep love of nature.

  9. What a lovely idea to start a new photographic journey with a group of like-minded ladies. I love all your nature shots and how you talk about them. So many lovely images to scroll down through! I like how you discovered that little feather caught in the branches of the evergreen!

  10. The mushrooms remind me of sea shells, so cool Cathy

  11. What a great idea to go back and review your work, asking the same questions - exploring the nature of your relationship to this art form as it may have changed through time. You always amaze at the natural wonders that you capture.

  12. I loved reading your thoughts on nature, simplicity and photography, Cathy... And what stunning photos you take :)

  13. Stunning. Especially love the first 3 images. Always love coming to visit.

  14. The beauty in little things bring much happiness to me too, that is why I like macro photography. Your pictures are stunning.

  15. Beautiful thoughts and photos...as always.

  16. Great post Cathy. And awesome photos. I still sometimes wait to take a photo when no one is looking. I just better get over that.


Thanks so much for stopping by!!