"The dew-drop in the breeze of morn.
Trembling and sparkling on the thorn.
Falls to the ground, escapes the eye,
Yet mounts on sunbeams to the sky."
James Montgomery
The morning dew is so insignificant that usually we aren't even aware of it, unless it causes our shoes, to get wet and then we're irritated. I you think about it, dew is amazing. Out of nowhere it appears, almost magical. Sent to give the earth a little refreshment. I went outside in the early morning light and found the dew, sparkling like millions of diamonds. It had settled on the flowers, on the trees, on the grass, and on the fallen leaves.
Seeing the dew made me do a lot of thinking. We all need refreshment each day, just as nature does. One of the best ways to start the day off is to spend a few quiet moments thinking of all the things that we're grateful for. Tomorrow is the first day of November, the season when our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving. It's the perfect time to start the practice of daily gratitude. Won't you join me and find time in your life for gratefulness?
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